Monday 1 July 2013


..Don't Cry,
because someone is falling in love with Your eyes....

Don't Scream,
because someone is falling in love with Your voice....

Don't Frown,
because someone is falling in love with Your smile....

Don't Hide,
Because someone out there is looking for You.. (:

Friday 28 June 2013

I wish

I wish I could go back
to the day I met you
and just walk away.
Honestly, it would've saved me
so much hurt and pain...!!

Dear Diary;

Dear Diary;

Today I start writing my life, my routine and my pain. Please put these pages on lock so nobody would be hurt like me!


Cute Lines

She told me that I am childish and immature...
I just smiled and said -

"then take the journey of growing old with me..."

Wednesday 26 June 2013


I don't understand why destiny
allowed some people to meet,,,
when there's no way for them to
be together ...

Monday 10 June 2013

My poster colors painting


Death came to a guy and said, "My friend today is your day"

Guy:- "But i'm not ready!".

Then death said, "Well your name is the next on my list".

Guy:- "Okay why don't you take a seat and I will get you something to eat before we go?"

Then death said,"All right.."

The guy gave death some food with sleeping pills in it, death finished eating and fell into a deep sleep.

The guy took the list & removed his name from top of the list and put into the bottom of the list.

When death woke up he said to the guy, "Because you have been so very nice to me,

I will start from the BOTTOM of the list.." 

Moral: Whatever is written in your destiny...Will never change no matter how much you try to...

Friday 7 June 2013


Pain makes people change, but it also makes them stronger


GIRL : I'm So Proud Of My
Friend : Why?
GIRL : Because He Got Drunk &
Recognize Me .
Friend : Why Are You Proud Of
That ?
GIRL : Because I Tried To Take Off
Shirt & He Said " STOP , I
Have A Girlfriend "

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Sometimes, it's better to just move on instead of being the only one who's willing to fix things.

Tuesday 4 June 2013


I want yOu BacKkk ..
But nOw it's too Late ..
I've aLreaDy saiD GooDbye
AnD nOw Love haD ..

Dont hurt

Never Hurt people
Who love u a lot ......

Because ....they won't hurt you back !!!!!
But they'll probably have no choice but to Leave you forever </3

Waiting for the day

We always knew and its a universal truth.
when we breakup with someone  we didn't realize what we gonna losing. We are happy that we are free we enjoy and didn't want to know what our partner feel.
but at the one point we realize we lost our life we lost our most important person in our life.
And that point our partner learn how to live without us..
But somehow they want to know our feeling for themselves

Monday 3 June 2013

Sunday 2 June 2013


Happiness starts with;
one word, one joke,
one text, one phone call,
one song, one hug, one kiss. 

And stops with one mistake....


"Sometimes we feel that all doors are closed in our life

But all closed doors may not be locked

They may be waiting for a gentle push,
And that is


"Try to make at least two persons happy in a day .. But make sure that one of them is YOURSELF!"
- William Shakespeare

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Milkshake (vegan)
makes 24 oz (about 2 servings) 
Ingredients:2 frozen bananas3/4 cup almond milk 1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup (optional)2 Tablespoons cocoa powder1/4 cup natural peanut butter pinch of sea salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 7 ice cubes (about 2 handfuls)

Strawberry Sweet Iced Tea 
5 tea bags, steeped in 4 cups of hot water for 5 minutes1 cup of sugar or sugar substitute2 cups of fresh whole strawberriescleaned 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (about 1-1/2 lemons)Ice cubes Extra strawberries, for garnish

Sparkling Sweet Cherry Lemonade
1 package frozen pitted sweet cherries (2 cups), thawed 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 cup sugar 5 cups chilled seltzer water, plus more to taste



INGREDIENTS1 package (3oz) Jello-o brand gelatin, any flavor1 cup sliced fresh fruit1 cup thawed Cool Whip whipped topping
DIRECTIONSPrepare gelatin according to package directions. Chill until slightly thickened. Set aside 1/3 cup. Add fruit to remaining gelatin; spoon into 4 to 5 glasses. Chill glasses at an angle until jello is set.
Meanwhile, fold whipped topping into measured (1/3 cup) gelatin. Spoon topping mixture into glasses of set jello. Chill. Garnish

mango juice,orange juice,pineapple juice,soda and sugar
awesome mocktail for this summer

strawberry slushie 

3 cups frozen strawberries, unsweetened
Granulated sugar
1 1/4 cups orange juice, calcium fortified
1 cup yogurt, plain, non-fat
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup ice cubes

1/2 c. old-fashioned oats1 c. almond, soy, or coconut milk (I really like using the new Blue Diamond almond/coconut milk blend)1 tbsp. cocoa powder1 tsp. cinnamonagave nectar, honey, maple syrup or other sweetener to taste (I use a tablespoon)1 small banana, cut into pieces and frozen overnight in a freezer baginstructions
Combine oats, milk, cocoa powder, cinnamon, and sweetener in a resealable bowl. Stir together and refrigerate overnight.Add banana and oat mixture to food processor or blender and process until smooth and well-combined. If shake is too thick, add more milk for a thinner consistency.

Smile in 60 second ;)